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Pepper and Tina travel.

In search of

Mental Health,

participation and a

humane psychiatry.

Traveling for us is letting go, discovering and processing. We can travel inwardly and outwardly. For us, it is most beautiful when both happen at the same time. We like to share what we have experienced, to exchange ideas about what we have experienced.

In the encounter it becomes deeper and greater.

We get back on the road.

Who we are and with which background, you can find out at "About us".

It goes to the north. Scandinavia.

Through Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Besides landscape, history and culture, we are especially interested in human and animal stories.

One focus is mental health (Mental Health).

How do people deal with people in mental crises and/or with mental impairments?


How do they get support/help and what does it look like?


We are particularly interested in how people in crisis and/or with mental impairments are involved/participated.


How do experts by training and study (e.g. doctors, therapists, social workers) work together with patients, users and experts by experience?


How do people in their different roles feel about their counterparts?


What support do experts from training and studies receive in their work?


Is a humane psychiatry possible?


These are the small and large questions that will accompany us on our journey.

On the website you will find reports about thoughts, experiences and experiences in the "travel diary",


and experiences and in the "Gallery" photos.

We are happy if you like our journey and website and if you accompany us.


You can sign up for a newsletter under "Contact", then you will get a message as soon as a new report and/or photos are online.


You can also leave us questions, comments and greetings there.

If you know people, institutions or projects in Scandinavia that fit our descriptions, please feel free to contact us.

We are also very happy about every encounter on the way and/or a pitch invitation in front of the house, because we are traveling with a small budget.

Planned travel start should be from the end of August 2022.

We will drift with the wind and base our trip on weather and encounter opportunities.


We are looking forward to.

Greetings Pepper, Micki and Tina 

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